Sponsorship Opportunities
The Katz Yeshiva High School of South Florida is well known for its wide range of exciting co-curricular programs and activities. We are offering families the opportunity to sponsor a program/event in honor or in memory of an occasion or a family member. Please feel free to contact either one of us by email or at the school office if you are interested in one of these opportunities. Sponsors will be recognized in our regular email communications to our parent body and community.
Yeshiva Highlites
Weekly Sponsor - $200 per issue
A weekly publication created by students and faculty, the Highlites “highlight” what is going on at KYHS. Close to 2,500 recipients enjoy reading the Highlites. Sponsors will be prominently acknowledged in the weekly newsletter.
Day of Learning at KYHS
Daily Sponsor - $360
A fitting way to honor a Simcha or a birthday, or commemorate a Yahrzeit or other occasion.
School Shabbaton
Sponsor a Student for the Weekend - $795
Sponsor School Shabbaton - Click Here
A powerfully inspiring and memorable experience at a hotel in Florida filled with ruach and fun for the entire student body.
Rosh Chodesh Chagigah
Each Chagigah - $360
Each month a special program takes place at the breakfast (guest speaker, multi-media presentation, dancing). A perfect opportunity to acknowledge a birthday or other family occasion.
Boys/Girls Night Seder
Annual Sponsor - $20,000
Weekly Sponsor - $1,000
Sponsor an evening of Torah study. Close to 150 students enjoy independent learning with Rebbeim and friends on Wednesday nights. Dinner is provided to all attendees and transportation is provided to the communities south of Boca.
Annual Sponsor - $7,200
Weekly Sponsor - $360
A weekly Torah-portion digest distributed in many shuls across South Florida.
Annual Sponsor - $10,000
Israel Education Week (IEW) Event - $720
Sponsor a bi-weekly meeting - $360
IPAC educates and promotes awareness of Israel and her relationship with other countries. The IPAC club brings in educational and informative speakers and runs programs during lunch twice per month, and coordinates Israel Education Week (IEW), a week of school-wide activities in the spring of every year.
Hollywood Family Shabbaton Luncheon
Weekend Sponsor - $7,200
Luncheons Starting at $1,000
KYHS families and Judaic staff spend a Shabbat in the Hollywood community. Staff, parents, and students enjoy Shabbat meals together. Sponsorship includes luncheon for a family of six.
Senior Dinner
Event Sponsor - $10,000
Sponsorships available starting at $1,000
Help sponsor an enjoyable dinner for the senior class and staff with delicious food at a special venue.
Event Sponsor - $36,000
Sponsorships available starting at $1,000
A moving tribute and send-off to our beloved senior class followed by an enjoyable and festive collation.
Yom Hazikaron Program
Sponsorships available starting at $360
An impactful memorial to those who gave their lives fighting for the State of Israel and victims of terror.
Yom Ha’atzmaut Activities
Event Sponsor - $10,000
Sponsorships available starting at $720
Our day begins with Israel-themed classes and activities followed by a spirited lunch and chagigah to celebrate the State of Israel. All students enjoy an off-campus activity in the afternoon.
Sports Banquet
Event Sponsor - $10,000
Sponsorships available starting at $360
A tribute to the past year’s student athletes.