Katz Yeshiva High School of South Florida Home

Mission Statement

Katz Yeshiva High School of South Florida serves the local Jewish communities. All members of our school community are actively engaged in the lifelong process of learning and character development. Toward that end we strive to:
INSPIRE our students to make a lifelong commitment to Jewish values, learning, and observance, and to view all disciplines and pursuits through the prism of Torah.
CHALLENGE our students with an excellent Judaic and General Studies program that engages the heart and mind, builds character, and develops knowledgeable and thoughtful young men and women who will continue the journey of learning.

Our Values:
Torat Yisrael- Devotion to Jewish law and observance
Ahavat Yisrael- Embracing all Jews
Medinat Yisrael- Supporting and celebrating the State of Israel
Kavod Habriyot- Respecting all human beings
Tikkun Olam- Contributing to the community

Latest News

06/07/24 Featured Photo


Yeshiva Highlites: Graduation, Guatemala, and More!
05/24/24 Featured Photo


Yeshiva Highlites: Sports Banquet, Masmidos Shabbatone, and more!
05/17/24 Featured Photo


Yom HaShoah, Yom HaZikaron, Yom HaAtzma’ut, and More!
04/12/24 Featured Photo


Yeshiva Highlites: Solar Eclipse, YU in KYHS, Dr. Seidenfeld, and More!


KYHS Stands with Israel

College Acceptances

  • Adelphi University
  • Arizona State University
  • Barnard College
  • MassArt
  • Binghamton University
  • Boston University
  • Brandeis University
  • Broward College
  • Brown University
  • -Case Western University
  • -Clark Atlanta University
  • -College of Staten Island
  • -Columbia
  • -Baruch College
  • -Brooklyn College
  • -City University
  • -Hunter College
  • -Macaulay Honors College
  • -Queens College
  • -Drexel University
  • -Eckerd College
  • -Emory University
  • -FAU
  • -FGCU
  • -FIU
  • -FMU
  • -FSU
  • -Geroge Washington University
  • -Georgetown University
  • -Hampton University
  • -Hofstra
  • -Indiana University Bloomington
  • -Ithaca College
  • -Johns Hopkins
  • -LCW
  • -Lehigh University
  • -LIM College
  • -Long Island University
  • -Lynn University
  • -Mahattanville College
  • -Marist College
  • Bentley University
  • -MassArt
  • -Molloy College
  • -Nassau Community College
  • -New York Institute of Technology
  • -New York School of Interior Design
  • -NYU
  • -Northeastern University
  • -Otis College of Art and Design
  • -PBSC
  • -Penn State
  • -Pratt Institute
  • -Princeton University
  • -Purue University
  • -Reichman University
  • -Rhode Island School of Design
  • -Rollins College
  • -Rutgers University
  • -St. John_s University
  • -Stony Brook University
  • -Syracuse
  • -Technion Israel Institute of Technology
  • -The New School
  • -Touro College
  • -Tulane University
  • -University of Alabama
  • -University of Arizona
  • -University of Central Florida
  • -University of Colorado Boulder
  • -University of Delaware
  • -University of Denver
  • -UF
  • -University of HArtford
  • -University of Maryland
  • -UMass Amherst
  • -University of Miami
  • -University of Michigan
  • -University of New Hampshire
  • -University of New Orleans
  • -University of Notre Dame
  • -University of Pennsylvania
  • -University of Pittsburgh
  • -University of South CArolina
  • -University of South Florida
  • -University of Tampa
  • -University of Toronto
  • -University of Vermont
  • -University of Wisconsin
  • -Valencia College
  • -Washington University in St. Louis
  • -Wilkes Honors College @ FAU
  • -YU

Yeshiva/Seminary Acceptances

  • Bar Ilan Israel Experience
  • Bnot Torah Institute
  • Derech Etz Chaim
  • Kivun
  • Machon Maayan
  • Mechinat Otzem
  • Michlahlah
  • Shalom Hartman Institute
  • MMY.
  • Midreshet Amit
  • Yeshiva Ashreinu
  • Midreshet ein hanatziv
  • Yeshivat Birkat Moshe
  • Midreshet emunah v_omanut
  • Yeshivat chachmei yerushalayim
  • Midreshet harova
  • Yeshivat Eretz Hatavi
  • -Midreshet Lindenbaum
  • -Yeshivat Hakotel
  • -Midreshet Moriah
  • -Yeshivat Har Etzion
  • -Midreshet tehillah
  • -YeshivatLev Aharon
  • -MTVA
  • -Yeshivat Lev Hatorah
  • -Midreshet torat chessed
  • -Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh
  • -Migdal Oz
  • -Yeshivat Oryata
  • -Nishmat
  • -Yeshivat Reishit
  • -Shaalvim for women
  • -Yeshivat Shallvim
  • -Tiferet
  • -Yeshivat Shaarei Mevaseret Zion
  • -Tomer Devorah
  • -Yeshivat Torat Shraga
  • -Yeshivat Torah V_Avodah