Judaic Studies


KYHS students immerse themselves in Judaic Studies classes that challenge them to expand their understanding of Torah SheBichtav and Torah SheBa’al Peh, broaden their textual and analytical skills, and deepen their connection to Jewish identity and practice. Our dynamic team of Rebbeim and Morot guide our students to develop the desire and ability to become independent lifelong Torah learners.

Our Limudei Kodesh classes, tracked by gender and proficiency, are designed to maximize each student’s personal, academic, and religious growth. Our Judaic Studies program includes core courses in Tanach, Gemara, Halacha, and Ivrit, in addition to a weekly Hashkafa class. Students are also offered optional learning opportunities throughout the week in programs such as Beit Midrash, Night Seder, and Mishmar.

תורה שבכתב


Our four-year curriculum encompasses an intensive study of selected sections of Torah, Neviim, and Ketuvim with a focus on building skills in the areas of textual analysis, critical thinking and reasoning, and fluency in the reading and comprehension of both primary and secondary sources. Our Chumash/Tanach classes allow students to consider familiar Torah stories from a more mature perspective, considering deeper layers of meaning and varied interpretations. Our Navi classes focus on analyzing the major events, personalities, and challenges of Biblical Jewish History to extract the messages that are still relevant in contemporary times.
Grade 9
Our freshmen study the end of Sefer Bereishit, concentrating on the story of Yosef and his conflict with his brothers. Themes include birthright and Jewish legacy, morality, and leadership.
Grade 10
Our sophomores study of the beginning of Sefer Shmot, concentrating on the story of Jewish slavery in Egypt and the ultimate exodus. Themes include Jewish identity, exile and redemption, free will vs determinism, and the beginning of Jewish Nationhood.
Grade 11
Our juniors study the middle chapters of Sefer Bamidbar, concentrating on the trials and tribulations during the  40 years of wandering in the wilderness. Themes include the individual vs. the community, struggle and conflict, Jewish leadership and the evolution of Jewish society.
Grade 12
Our seniors study the beginning perakim of Sefer Bereishit, focusing on some of the deeper philosophical topics such as the purpose of the creation of humankind, good and evil, the foundations of our faith, and the paradigmatic nature of our avot and imahot.
Grade 9
Our freshmen classes study the first 17 chapters of Melachim II, focusing on the Northern Kingdom of Israel, its struggles with surrounding enemy nations, the failure of its leadership, and its ultimate decline. Themes include balancing politics and religion, the relationship between the King and the Navi, the epic struggle with idolatry, and the Ten Lost Tribes.
Grade 10
Our sophomore classes study the last 8 chapters of Melachim II, Yirmiyahu, and Yechezkel, focusing on the Southern Kingdom of Yehuda, its struggle to survive Assyrian and then Babylonian pressure, its failure to acknowledge its vulnerability, and the resulting exile to Bavel. Themes include the evolving role of the Navi, different prophetic personalities, and Jewish identity in exile.
Grade 11
Our junior classes study Ezra-Nechemiah, focusing on the end of Galut Bavel and the period of Shivat Tzion as Jews returned to the Land of Israel to rebuild the Beit Hamikdash. Themes include our connection to the Land of Israel, Yemot HaMashiach, the end of the prophetic period, and the transition to rabbinic leadership.
Grade 12

Our seniors take two mini-courses during their senior year, with a focus on books of Nach that are a familiar part of our tefillah cycle. Students study the book of Yonah, the five Megillot, and selected Haftorot. Themes include developing a relationship with Hashem, Jewish existentialism, and a reflection on major events in Jewish history.


תורה שבעל פה



Our four-year curriculum focuses on the origins and development of Halacha. Students begin to understand the complexity of Jewish law, the components of the halachic process, and the diversity of tradition and practice. 

Our Gemara classes spend time exploring the preliminary deliberations of our Tanaim, Amoraim, and Rishonim. The curriculum is a blend of skills development and analysis  that will build vocabulary and fluency of reading in addition to understanding the systematic Talmudic  logic. Students will become comfortable with the unique language and cadence of the Gemara and will learn to critically analyze the sugyot they study.

Our Halacha classes focus on the practicum of our Acharonim and modern-day Poskim. The source-based curriculum allows our students to follow the development of Jewish law from the times of Chazal through the modern era. By exploring texts such as the Rambam, Shulchan Aruch, the Rama, and contemporary responsa, students will gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of halacha.

All boys are required to take four years of Gemara. While our advanced Gemara students focus exclusively on Gemara learning, many of our boys also take four years of Halacha. Boys in all four grades have the option of joining the Masmidim program, which includes additional Gemara study both in and out of school.

Our girls curriculum features a combination of Gemara and Halacha classes. Depending on the grade and class, girls have the opportunity to choose between a focus on Gemara and a focus on Halacha over the course of their four years in high school.




At KYHS, familiarity and facility with the Hebrew language is both a religious and practical objective. Almost all students take four years of Hebrew, which also fulfills their foreign language requirement.

Our Hebrew language curriculum, "Bishvil Ha-Ivrit", is a cutting-edge international program that brings Hebrew alive with print and digital media. The program cultivates all aspects of Hebrew language learning: grammar and content, conversations and literature, poetry and factual information, drills and exercises, topics for lively discussion, songs and moral dilemmas, writing assignments and independent reading, and current events and Biblical texts.

The curriculum makes use of technology to enhance and support learning with audio recordings, documentary films, and more. As students speak, read, write, and listen to spoken Hebrew, they encounter new viewpoints on daily life in Israel, Jewish tradition and history, and general world knowledge.