Head of School's Message

When walking the halls of Katz Yeshiva High School of South Florida, you can’t help but feel the palpable and pervasive energy and excitement. Students and teachers are truly happy to be where they are.  The plethora of courses, extracurricular activities, clubs and athletics allows each student to grow and thrive to his or her potential.

"ולמדתם אותם את בניכם" -”…and teach them to your children”

Parents are the school’s partner in the education process. When our school accepts a student, we are receiving each one with years of schooling, nurturing, and prior experiences. Now, we take on the responsibility of working with each family and student to continue that process.  We take that very seriously and invest in our students like they are our own children.  

Our school is a modern-Orthodox academic institution, committed to cultivating an environment of achievement, Torah values, and personal growth.  We, together with parents and the community, are the proverbial village that is committed to shaping the next generation of b’nai and b’not Torah who are menches, and proud, confident Jewish and community leaders.


Dr. Roni Raab

KYHS Head of School