General Studies

The goal of General Studies at KYHS is to broaden and deepen students’ understanding of the best that the world of knowledge has to offer while developing their skills and passion for lifelong learning. Our extensive program consists of carefully tailored courses designed to challenge students at their appropriate levels. We offer Advanced Placement, Honors, Accelerated, Grade Level, and Principles tracks.

The faculty members in each department coordinate their teaching so that similar themes are reinforced in all classes. Students take a core course in English, History, Math, and Science each year, as well as an elective. Ultimately, students graduate from KYHS fully prepared for success in postsecondary education.


In English classes, students become proficient writers and critical readers. Through survey courses and genre-specific studies, students experience the top classical and modern texts of the world, expanding their worldviews as they learn to appreciate and analyze a diverse array of literature while learning about themselves. Courses simultaneously and heavily emphasize grammar and composition skills as students prepare for writing success throughout high school and college. Students in grades 9-11 receive supplemental instruction in leveled vocabulary. 

Composition and Genre Literature

The first year of high school English is a survey of literature in which students will read and discuss diverse texts of various genres, including short stories, poems, novels, and plays. Annotating, identifying literary devices, and analyzing texts to unearth meaning “between the lines” will improve students’ reading comprehension and foster their understanding and appreciation of the value of literature. Regular instruction in essential grammar and composition skills, as well as regular formal and informal writing assignments, will not only equip students for future success on the college entrance examinations but also enable them to write with confidence, clarity, and style. Students will also spend significant time developing their vocabulary and incorporating the words they learn into their written work and daily lexicon. Finally, students will learn the fundamentals of academic research and MLA documentation as they compose a short research paper.

American Literature


Sophomores survey the trajectory of American literature from its origins to the present. In addition to honing their analytical skills and developing an appreciation for the rich diversity of our nation’s literary collection, students will explore the many ways in which concepts such as “Americanness” and the American Dream have evolved since the 17th century. Continuing instruction in composition, grammar, and vocabulary skills is designed to equip students for future success on the college entrance examinations and enable them to produce exemplary academic writing. A major research paper on a topic pertinent to American literature will demonstrate student improvement in academic research and writing, argumentative analysis, and MLA documentation.

British Literature


Juniors survey British literature from the Anglo-Saxon period to the present, engaging in close examination of selected works of poetry, short fiction, drama, novels, and film, recognizing their value as sources of practical wisdom and insight into British history and the broader human experience. Students will further develop their critical thinking and reading comprehension skills by carefully analyzing primary works of historical fiction through the lens of secondary literary criticism and conflicting interpretations and perspectives drawn from contemporary companion texts. Continuing instruction in composition, grammar, and vocabulary skills is designed to equip students for future success on the major college entrance examinations, develop their personal writing voice, and—most importantly—prepare them to write at the college level. Juniors may opt to take a full year of AP English (Language or Literature, whichever is offered that school year) instead.



Senior Seminars are semester-long courses that introduce students to the collegiate English experience by exposing them to specialized content, emphasizing independent reading, and engaging them in collaborative critical analysis. The composition component requires students to complete multiple major writing assignments (Grade Level: 4, Accelerated: 5, and Honors: 6) evaluated on the following skills developed throughout their previous three years at KYHS: effectiveness, organization, clarity, and coherence, as well as the grammar, punctuation, and usage of standard written English.


As teachers craft each class based on their personal passions and expertise, the course offerings vary from year to year. Sample courses offered include Children's Literature & Fairy Tales, Poetry Appreciation, Science Fiction, and Speech & The Art of Communication. Seniors may opt to take a full year of AP English (Language or Literature, whichever is offered that school year) instead.

Language & Composition

This rigorous college-level course, which prepares students to sit for the AP exam in May and to achieve success in continuing college English courses, is designed to promote the critical reading, thinking, and writing skills necessary to develop clear, effective prose for academic, professional, and personal purposes. Over the course of the year, students will explore the dynamics of language, its ability to convey and manipulate meaning, and the relationship between speaker/writer, audience, and purpose. Students will compose rhetorical analysis essays, argumentative essays, and synthesis essays in line with the AP exam; however, other writing and analysis will go beyond the AP exam to explore rhetoric and argument in real-life situations as well as academic ones.

Literature & Composition

This rigorous college-level course, which prepares students to sit for the three-hour AP exam in May and to achieve success in continuing college English courses, focuses on reading, analyzing, and writing about imaginative literature (fiction, poetry, drama) from various periods. Students engage in close reading and critical analysis of imaginative literature to deepen their understanding of the ways writers use language to provide both meaning and pleasure. As they read, students consider a work’s structure, style, and themes, as well as its use of figurative language, imagery, and symbolism. Writing assignments include expository, analytical, and argumentative essays that require students to analyze and interpret literary works.


In History classes, students learn to think, read, and write analytically as they develop understandings that explain and account for the past and present alike. Students become proficient at analyzing documents, images, and other primary and secondary sources, including scholarly sources, while developing the skills necessary to interpret historical trends and important world issues.

With an emphasis on evidence-based analytical work and critical thinking, students work to study the past through the lenses of causality, change, and continuity over time, comparative analysis, and contextualization. Scholarly lenses of analysis, including spatial analysis, transnationalism, syncretism, and post-colonialism, among many others, equip students to evaluate diverse sources of evidence from a range of perspectives while focusing on the intersections of social, economic, political, cultural, and intellectual history.

The sequence of our History curriculum follows a narrowing scope in which students build upon and refine their understanding from one year to the next, including World, European, and American histories, as well as a rotating and diverse range of college-preparatory senior seminars on timely, specialized subjects, including Jewish history, the history of women, foreign policy and terrorism, political unrest, ideology, and cultural history.

World History

Students in the ninth grade begin their History curriculum through the study of either World History (offered at levels ranging from Principles to Honors) or Advanced Placement Human Geography. In World History, students chart the emergence and development of diverse world civilizations, as well as the socio-economic patterns and cultural trends that have shaped the human experience from prehistoric times to the early modern period. Beginning with a primer on historical methodologies and theoretical frameworks of analysis, detailed study and primary source engagement provides students extensive opportunities to build and apply their analytical toolkit across a diverse range of case studies.

With a curriculum ranging from the classical Mediterranean to Mesoamerica, and from Genghis Khan to Mansa Musa and the Mughal Empire, students work comparatively and analytically to understand diverse societies through the lenses of context and causality, identifying and explaining commonalities in different societies while also accounting for the unique developments of world civilizations. Students also build key source-analysis skills, and capstone their year with independent research projects.

AP: Human Geography

In their study of Human Geography, AP students consider the physical geography, distribution, processes, and influences of geospatial factors on human history, while also exploring the effects of human interaction with the environment in social, political, economic, and cultural terms. Students are exposed to numerous economies, political systems, and social traditions from all world regions while adopting an explicitly spatial lens of analysis. Students become familiar with and apply analytical lenses including globalization, colonialism, and climate change, and engage with data-driven problems and case studies at scales ranging from the local to the global. With a particular emphasis on questions of demography, migration, economic and political development, cultural transformation, communication, ethnic and gender inequality, geography, and environment, AP Human Geography students work proactively to build analytical frameworks that can be applied to unfamiliar scenarios. Source and data analysis features prominently in this class, as students learn how to use and interpret maps, textual sources, statistical data, and images in support of analytical conclusions.


Prerequisite: All students must take a placement exam administered by the History Department prior to enrollment.

European History


In the 10th grade, students build on and apply the skills they have developed in World History to new time periods and peoples through the study of European History. Classes in the 10th grade are offered from the Principles level to AP European History. In the study of European History from the year 1450 to the present, students analyze the significance of the cultural, economic, political, and social developments that have shaped today’s world while deepening their repertoire of analytical skills and frameworks. Students make use of causal, comparative, contextual, and chronological lenses of analysis in order to account for the contours of the modern world as they explore the origin and endurance of European socio-economic, political, intellectual, and cultural patterns.


Key areas of study include the Renaissance; Reformation; origins of European exploration, colonialism, and empire; the Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment; agricultural and industrial transformation; state centralization, politicization, and revolution, modern theories of economy and government; and the rise of mass society. An emphasis on analytical writing helps students further develop their ability to mobilize evidence in support of interpretive conclusions as students focus on the "whys" and "hows" of history.


Additionally, through the analysis of primary and scholarly sources, ranging from Martin Luther’s 95 Theses to the writing of the Enlightenment, and on to the political and economic theorists of the 19th and 20th centuries and the artifacts of everyday life, students further strengthen their critical-thinking skills. An explicitly global lens of analysis also encourages students to understand the multilateral influence of world regions upon one another.

United States History


In the 11th grade, students narrow their focus to evaluate how the patterns shaping World and European histories helped produce the distinct features of American history. Classes in American History are offered at levels ranging from the Principles level to AP United States History, with AP US Government offered as an elective when possible. Through these courses, students work to build a nuanced understanding of how America’s past, beginning in pre-colonial times, directly affects its present. Students expand their methodological and theoretical repertoires and ability to engage with scholarly sources by grappling with both recent and historical scholarly perspectives, including the frontier thesis, emancipatory internationalism, globalization, and 19th century notions of American exceptionalism. Now-familiar approaches to historical analysis are applied to demythologize and contextualize American history and the histories with which it intersects, and students are called upon to develop multivalent analyses of American social, economic, political, demographic, and cultural history.


Key areas of thematic focus include geospatial and environmental analysis, the development and consolidation of political power and theories of government, economic development and transformation and its social effects, imperialism and theories of ethno-cultural supremacy, sectional and ethnic tension, work and consumption, foreign policy, expanding democratization, and diverse movements for socio-economic and political equity and justice. Throughout their coursework, students analyze scholarly works, as well as documents, speeches, court cases, political satire, maps, data, and oral testimony to inform their developing understanding of American history.


Elective Senior Seminars


Students in the 12th grade capstone their studies by selecting from a range of narrowly-focused semester-long thematic offerings designed to prepare students for the rigors and methodologies of collegiate studies in History. Taught and designed by experts in their fields, senior seminar courses trade breadth for depth, and offer students the opportunity to deepen their understanding in areas of personal interest. With a continued emphasis on written analysis and engagement with primary and scholarly sources, senior seminars challenge students by introducing new theoretical lenses and novel, challenging case studies in which to apply them.


Seminar topics are determined by teacher availability and student interest, and may include (but are not limited to) Modern Jewish History, Gender and Women's Studies, Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism in Context, Urban History and Domestic Unrest, Antisemitism, History through Music, the History and Theory of Religion, and the History and Theory of Nationalism.

Jewish History
History of Israel

This course will help students explore the history of Zionism and the modern State of Israel. Beginning our studies in the 1880s, students will learn about the concept of the "new Jew" and the factors that motivated the early Zionists. Through this course, we will consider the struggles of setting up a Jewish state and the internal conflicts that emerged including debates over immigration, religion, and land.  As the story unfolds, this course will also set up how the Jewish and Arab historical narratives developed over time, ultimately leading to today's Arab-Israeli conflict.


Some highlights of our discussions include an exploration into the history of the Palestinian people, the effects of military battles including the Six Day War, and debates over past controversial decisions like the disengagement from the Gaza Strip and the Gilad Shalit trade. After learning about the history of Israel, students will be encouraged to reflect on what they have learned by thinking about today's issues and to think about how to advocate for their beliefs

Holocaust Studies
Students come to this course with prior knowledge of the Holocaust, but this class will intentionally focus on topics students have not previously learned. Students will consider why throughout history, Jews are repeatedly targeted for discrimination, exile and murder. Furthermore, students will study Nazi propaganda, the Hitler Youth and other methods used by Nazis to rise to power. Though students will study Hitler, his childhood, his adult-life, and his role in the Holocaust, students will also evaluate the role of other Nazi leaders and assess their responsibility for the Holocaust. When focusing on the deplorable conditions faced by the victims of the Holocaust, students will learn about the tricks Nazis’ used to fool, trap and quickly murder both Jewish and non-Jewish victims.
A significant unit of study will focus on why the Jews did not resist at times– and how they actually did resist so much more than commonly understood! The exploration of the Righteous will delve into the research on the kinds of people most likely to become one of the righteous. Toward the end of the course, students will have the opportunity to ponder the challenges and hardships of liberation alongside the remarkable courage and strength shown by survivors who managed to start their lives anew after their horrific experiences.


The mathematics department focuses on critical thinking, data analysis, computation skills, and interpreting and modeling graphical representations of complex figures. Students benefit from a wide spectrum of classes that encourage them to appreciate the value and relevance of math skills in their academic lives and beyond. The curriculum emphasizes the integration of technology, including the use of graphing calculators and online tools to better prepare our students for high school, college, and their careers.

Principles of Algebra 1

This course introduces students to algebraic skills and concepts that are foundational to future mathematics courses. Students spend time learning about the real number system, algebraic expressions, one-step and multi-step equations, slope and equations of lines, properties of exponents, polynomial operations and factoring. This course moves at a slower pace than the grade level course and gives students the opportunity to strengthen their pre-algebra skills.

Prerequisite: Pre-Algebra

Principles of Geometry

This course begins with introducing the basic tools of geometry, including points, lines, and planes, and will go on to master angles and angle pair relationships, as well as polygons. Students will learn the relationships of perpendicular and parallel lines, as well as what constitutes congruent triangles and will become proficient in understanding the anatomy of triangles, as well as what makes triangles similar. This course moves at a slower pace than the Grade Level course and requires less previous Algebra 1 knowledge.

Prerequisite: Pre-Algebra

Grade Level Geometry

Students will begin with an understanding of the basic tools of Geometry, including points, lines, and planes, and will go on to master angles and angle pair relationships, as well as polygons. Students will learn the relationships of perpendicular and parallel lines, as well as what constitutes congruent triangles. Students will become proficient in understanding the anatomy of triangles, as well as what makes triangles similar, will master right triangles and basic trigonometry, will learn what defines a quadrilateral, and will learn the various types, as well as circles, including arc measures, and the areas and lengths of sectors. Students will go on to learn to find the area and perimeter of various shapes, and will learn to solve for the surface area and volume of three dimensional shapes. 

Prerequisite: Basic Algebra I

Accelerated Geometry

This course is proof based. Students will learn how to construct proofs and write logical arguments to defend their thoughts and positions on the mathematics they are learning. The accelerated course covers all the content in the Grade Level course with an added level of Algebra 1 difficulty. 

Prerequisite: Algebra I

Honors Geometry

This course is fast paced and covers all the same content as the Accelerated course. Various Algebra 1 skills are incorporated throughout the course and students are expected to synthesize different concepts to solve complex problems. 

Prerequisite: Algebra I and Departmental Approval

Principles of Geometry


This course begins with introducing the basic tools of geometry, including points, lines, and planes, and will go on to master angles and angle pair relationships, as well as polygons. Students will learn the relationships of perpendicular and parallel lines, as well as what constitutes congruent triangles and will become proficient in understanding the anatomy of triangles, as well as what makes triangles similar. This course moves at a slower pace than the Grade Level course and requires less previous Algebra I knowledge.

Prerequisite: Principles of Algebra I


Algebra 1


This course introduces students to algebraic skills and concepts that are foundational to future mathematics courses. Students spend time learning about the real number system, one and two variable equations and inequalities, linear functions and equations of lines, properties of exponents, polynomial operations, factoring and simplifying radical expressions. Students develop their problems solving skills through word problems, activities and explorations. 

Prerequisites: Pre-Algebra and Geometry

Algebra 2

Students will explore special linear functions such as absolute value, step, and piecewise functions. They will spend more time on word problems and applications throughout the course. In addition, students will learn about scatter plots and linear regression. They will spend more time on graphing quadratic equations in its various forms and analyzing quadratic functions. Rational expressions, variation and transformations of rational functions are explored as well. Students are introduced to the TI-83/84 graphing calculator and learn how to use the calculator to solve complex problems.

Prerequisites: Algebra I and Geometry

Algebra 2 and Trigonometry

This course is extremely fast paced and designed to prepare students to take AP Calculus AB. Students learn all of the material in other Algebra 2 courses. In addition, they cover all of the basic parent functions and their transformations, polynomial functions, rational functions and asymptotes, inverse functions, exponential and logarithmic expressions, equations and functions, and all of trigonometry.

Prerequisites: Algebra I, Geometry, and Departmental Approval

Algebra 2

Students will explore special linear functions such as absolute value, step, and piecewise functions. They will spend more time on word problems and applications throughout the course. In addition, students will learn about scatter plots and linear regression. They will spend more time on graphing quadratic equations in its various forms and analyzing quadratic functions. Rational expressions, variation and transformations of rational functions are explored as well. Students are introduced to the TI-83/84 graphing calculator and learn how to use the calculator to solve complex problems.

Prerequisites: Algebra I and Geometry

Beginning with a review of linear and quadratic functions, students are introduced to various different types of functions and their characteristics. Polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions are explored in depth. Students learn about their graphs and transformations, their inverse functions and how to solve their different types of equations. The TI-83/84 graphing calculator is used throughout the course to enhance the understanding of concepts and material. The Honors section of this course delves deeper into the material. Students are expected to synthesize different concepts to solve complex problems. The Honors course is designed to prepare students to take AP Calculus AB.

Prerequisite: Algebra 2
AP Calculus AB

AP Calculus AB is an introductory college-level calculus course. Students cultivate their understanding of differential and integral calculus through engaging with real-world problems represented graphically, numerically, analytically, and verbally and using definitions and theorems to build arguments and justify conclusions as they explore concepts like change, limits, and the analysis of functions.

Prerequisites: Honors or Accelerated Precalculus and Departmental Approval
Data Science

This course provides students with an interdisciplinary approach to analyzing data. Throughout the course, students will develop their explanatory writing skills across multiple platforms, and will develop a portfolio of their data science work that showcases their development as a Data Scientist. Students will learn and utilize: CODAP for analyzing and visualizing data, Google Sheets for analyzing & visualizing large data sets, the Google Data Commons API , Tableau for analyzing data and creating visuals, and Python through Google Colaboratory to use coding with larger data sets.

Grade Level Precalculus

Beginning with a review of linear and quadratic functions, students are introduced to various different types of functions and their characteristics. Polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions are explored in depth. Students learn about their graphs and transformations, their inverse functions and how to solve their different types of equations. The TI-83/84 graphing calculator is used throughout the course to enhance the understanding of concepts and material.

Prerequisite: Grade Level Algebra 2

Accelerated Calculus

This course introduces students to the concepts of differential and integral calculus. Students will learn limits, basic derivatives and applications and basic integration techniques. 

Prerequisite: Precalculus

AP Statistics

AP Statistics is an introductory college-level statistics course that introduces students to the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data. Students cultivate their understanding of statistics using technology, investigations, problem solving, and writing as they explore concepts like variation and distribution; patterns and uncertainty; and data-based predictions, decisions, and conclusions.

Prerequisites: Algebra 2 and Departmental Approval

AP Calculus AB

AP Calculus AB is an introductory college-level calculus course. Students cultivate their understanding of differential and integral calculus through engaging with real-world problems represented graphically, numerically, analytically, and verbally and using definitions and theorems to build arguments and justify conclusions as they explore concepts like change, limits, and the analysis of functions.

Prerequisites: Honors or Accelerated Precalculus and Departmental Approval

AP Calculus BC

AP Calculus BC applies the content and skills learned in AP Calculus AB to parametrically defined curves, polar curves, and vector-valued functions; develops additional integration techniques and applications; and introduces the topics of sequences and series.

Prerequisites: AP Calculus AB and Departmental Approval


Our science curriculum offers students the opportunity to explore a variety of science disciplines. In the classroom, science is brought to life with hands-on lab experiences complemented by access to a wide range of virtual laboratory experiments. Students learn to interpret data, use formulas, and conduct research protocols as they progress through their science courses.


The emphasis of this freshman course is to develop an understanding of biological concepts and recognize the unifying themes that integrate the major topics of biology.  These “Big Ideas” of biology include the diversity of life, the development of emergent properties, cellular structure and functions, and the evolutionary basis for each of these processes.  Initially, the course will involve a brief review of the scientific process, lab safety protocols, and classroom expectations. Biological concepts will include: biochemistry, cellular life, cell energetics, cell growth and division, mendelian & molecular genetics, evolution, and ecology. Course work, lab work, and examinations will prepare students for future science courses.



The focus of this sophomore course is to develop an understanding of foundational chemistry concepts and recognize the methods and processes required in working in the field of chemistry.  The “Big Ideas” of chemistry include the conservation of matter and energy, the behavior and properties of matter, particulate nature of matter, and equilibrium.  We will begin the year with a focus on critical thinking and writing, a review of the math skills needed for Chemistry, the processes of scientific study, and laboratory safety.  Following this, we will explore the structure of atoms and the laws that govern matter, including chemical bonding and reactions.  Finally, we will investigate intermolecular forces, solutions and energy change.  Approximately 10% of the course will involve practical laboratory investigations.



Physics, very simply, is the study of the physical world, specifically matter and energy.  Physicists work to understand how the universe works by exploring the motion of electrons and planets, the energy in electric circuits and sound waves, and the structure of an atom and the universe.  This year, we will seek to do the same, and in the process, gain a better understanding of our surroundings and the interactions between matter and energy.


Honors Physics


In Honors Physics students will explore concepts like kinematics; Newton’s laws of motion, work, energy, and power; linear momentum; rotation; and gravitation. Students will do hands-on laboratory work, simulations, and in-class activities to investigate natural phenomena and use algebra to solve problems. This is a fast-paced course that may require significant work outside of class.


Prerequisites: Biology and Chemistry (Honors strongly recommended) and Departmental Approval

Corequisite: Precalculus (recommend)

Forensic Science

Forensics incorporates  all  of  the  major  fields  of  scientific  study.  Course  topics  will  include  the  study  of  biological  evidence,  including  blood,  DNA,  hair,  and  manner  of  death,  as  well  as  the  study  of  physical  evidence,  such  as  ballistics,  glass,  fibers,  and  textiles.  A  heavy  emphasis  will  be placed on observational skills and the scientific process. 


*Some topics dealt with in this course are of mature nature.


Honors Anatomy & Physiology


The topics in this course include  a  detailed orientation to the body, anatomical terminology, and the structure and function of all major organ systems. Material moves at an advanced pace so students should be highly motivated and prepared  to  spend  a  significant  amount  of  time  preparing  outside  of  class. This  course  will  be beneficial to those interested in careers in a medical field or in biology.


*Some topics dealt with in this course are of mature nature.

AP Biology

Students study the core scientific principles, theories, and processes that govern living organisms and biological systems. Emphasis is placed on the themes that unify biology, including regulation of biological processes, energy transfer, continuity and change, evolution, the relationship between structure and function, emergent properties, interdependence in nature, the scientific process, and the relevance of biology in our everyday lives.  Students will do hands-on laboratory work and conduct simulations to investigate natural phenomena. This is a fast-paced course that requires significant work outside of class.


Prerequisites: Biology and Chemistry (Honors strongly recommended) and Departmental Approval

AP Chemistry

Students learn about the fundamental concepts of chemistry including structure and states of matter, intermolecular forces, and reactions. Students will do hands-on laboratory work and conduct simulations to investigate natural phenomena and use chemical calculations to solve problems. This is a fast-paced course that requires quite a bit of work outside of class.


Prerequisites: Biology and Chemistry (Honors strongly recommended) and Departmental Approval

AP Physics C

Students will explore concepts such as kinematics; Newton’s laws of motion, work, energy, and power; systems of particles and linear momentum; rotation; oscillations; and gravitation. Students will do hands-on laboratory work, simulations, and in-class activities to investigate natural phenomena and use calculus to solve problems. This is a fast-paced course that requires significant time and work outside of class.


Prerequisites: Biology and Chemistry (Honors strongly recommended) and Departmental Approval

Corequisite: AP Calculus (recommended) or Precalculus Honors

AP Psychology

Students will explore the ideas, theories, and methods of the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. Students will examine the concepts of psychology through reading and discussion and analyze data from psychological research. This is a fast-paced course that requires substantial outside reading.


Grade 9

Arabic and Hebrew are “sister languages.” They share the origin of the Semitic languages, the same verb form, many similar words, roots and meanings, and grammatical structure. These similarities assist the students in the language acquisition process. Learning Arabic benefits the students not only by improving their Hebrew language skills, but also by helping them understand the Arabic culture, as well as the history and mentality of the Middle East and the Muslim world.

Students develop and strengthen their skills in drawing and painting by hand, but also add an element of technology by using iPads and drawing applications. The focus is on using both methods to create beautiful, professional finished products.

Using curriculum from our partnerships with the Center for Initiatives in Jewish Education (CIJE), Project Lead The Way, and VEX Robotics, our students engage in a multi-year journey to master electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, and computer science (through the blended CodeHS platform). Students learn how to utilize the Arduino microcontroller to pursue innovative capstone projects that solve real-world problems, hone their conflict resolution skills through building drones and competing in VEX robotics, and sharpen their ability to code in JavaScript, Python, SQL, HTML, and CSS.

In this class, students will focus on combining movement and flexibility. They will engage in Zumba, Yoga, Weights, Pilates, Games, and, of course, Dance.
Students in this class will explore their interest in the field of law and will develop their analytical skills, communication tools, and complex decision making by participating in a simulated trial.  To prepare for the trial, students will delve into both civil and criminal law and will learn the respective rules of evidence.  
In this course, students will learn how to use different machinery within the makerspace.  They will experiment with different materials and will learn different software.  The machines that they will be using include the Laser cutter (Full spectrum and Chinese red), 3d printer, Plotter (silhouette), CNC (shapeoko), and various power tools (ryobi).

Through collaboration, technical skills, and attention to detail, students will learn to think creatively and see the world from a different perspective. Through the art of photography and videography, as well as a comprehensive understanding of the technology available at their fingertips, students will truly learn what it means to "capture the moment."

Our Physical Education program offers various types of physical activities with student-driven curricula. Three times a week, the students get to actively participate in intense physical outlets of their choice. Choices of sport include but are not limited to flag football, basketball, soccer, and weight training.  Students will rotate choices throughout the year with an emphasis on individual skill development as well as team competitions.

The goal of this course is to increase each student’s ability to communicate in Spanish. Students will gain a better understanding of how to converse with local Spanish-speaking community members and be able to communicate effectively when visiting a Spanish-speaking country. The course concentrates on both grammar and verbal communication.

In an effort to better acclimate to High School, students will have an opportunity to work with a teacher to learn study skills and to apply those skills to complete their assignments and study for their tests.
Grade 10

Politics is all around us. We hear daily of the President’s doings, read about Supreme Court rulings, and discuss pressing issues with friends and family. Exposure, however, is not comprehension. We can too often confuse familiarity with our government for an understanding of how it functions. AP United States Government and Politics is designed to fix this problem. Students will explore the foundations of American democracy, the evolution of its institutions, and the boundaries of our political discourse. Using contemporary issues as a wedge to pry open the complexities of the American system of government, AP Government is an exciting course to produce not only successful AP Exam test takers, but informed citizens as well.

Students develop and strengthen their skills in drawing and painting by hand, but also add an element of technology by using iPads and drawing applications. The focus is on using both methods to create beautiful, professional finished products.

Using curriculum from our partnerships with the Center for Initiatives in Jewish Education (CIJE), Project Lead The Way, and VEX Robotics, our students engage in a multi-year journey to master electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, and computer science (through the blended CodeHS platform). Students learn how to utilize the Arduino microcontroller to pursue innovative capstone projects that solve real-world problems, hone their conflict resolution skills through building drones and competing in VEX robotics, and sharpen their ability to code in JavaScript, Python, SQL, HTML, and CSS.

Take a look at your favorite and most often used products and unwrap the world of packaging design. Students will utilize the creative design process and explore the packaging industry. You will go from initial product concept, logo and imagery studies and structural strategy to 3D built prototypes. In the Fashion Design part of the course, students will be introduced to the world of fashion. Areas to be included are: psychology of clothing, fashion fundamentals, elements and principles of design, textiles and consumerism. Included units on fiber science, computer-aided textile design, textile laser cutting and apparel construction.

Our Physical Education program offers various types of physical activities with student-driven curricula. Three times a week, the students get to actively participate in intense physical outlets of their choice. Choices of sport include but are not limited to flag football, basketball, soccer, and weight training.  Students will rotate choices throughout the year with an emphasis on individual skill development as well as team competitions.
The goal of the Spanish course is to increase each student’s ability to communicate in Spanish. Students will gain a better understanding of how to converse with local Spanish-speaking community members and be able to communicate effectively when visiting a Spanish-speaking country. The course concentrates on both grammar and verbal communication.
In an effort to better acclimate to High School, students will have an opportunity to work with a teacher to learn study skills and to apply those skills to complete their assignments and study for their tests.
Through collaboration, technical skills, and attention to detail, students will learn to think creatively and see the world from a different perspective. Through the art of photography and videography, as well as a comprehensive understanding of the technology available at their fingertips, students will truly learn what it means to "capture the moment."
Grade 11
Politics is all around us. We hear daily of the President’s doings, read about Supreme Court rulings, and discuss pressing issues with friends and family. Exposure, however, is not comprehension. We can too often confuse familiarity with our government for an understanding of how it functions. AP United States Government and Politics is designed to fix this problem. Students will explore the foundations of American democracy, the evolution of its institutions, and the boundaries of our political discourse. Using contemporary issues as a wedge to pry open the complexities of the American system of government, AP Government is an exciting course to produce not only successful AP Exam test takers, but informed citizens as well.
Arabic and Hebrew are “sister languages.” They share the origin of the Semitic languages, the same verb form, many similar words, roots and meanings, and grammatical structure. These similarities assist the students in the language acquisition process. Learning Arabic benefits the students not only by improving their Hebrew language skills, but also by helping them understand the Arabic culture, as well as the history and mentality of the Middle East and the Muslim world.

In Art and Design at KYHS, students develop and strengthen their skills in drawing and painting by hand, but also add an element of technology by using iPads and drawing applications. The focus is on using both methods to create beautiful, professional finished products. In 11th grade, Honors and AP Art students can build personal portfolios to submit as supplements for college applications and art programs.

Economics is a social science concerned with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. It studies how individuals, businesses, governments, and nations make choices about how to allocate resources. The class addresses topics such as How and why does our market economic system work? Why is there inflation and/or unemployment and what are the remedies? What are the causes and consequences of our growing national debt? What is the Federal Reserve and how does its monetary policy affect you and the interest rate? How is the emerging global interdependence of countries changing our economy and your life? This course will help you understand the economic environment in which you live, work, and vote.

Using curriculum from our partnerships with the Center for Initiatives in Jewish Education (CIJE), Project Lead The Way, and VEX Robotics, our students engage in a multi-year journey to master electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, and computer science (through the blended CodeHS platform). Students learn how to utilize the Arduino microcontroller to pursue innovative capstone projects that solve real-world problems, hone their conflict resolution skills through building drones and competing in VEX robotics, and sharpen their ability to code in JavaScript, Python, SQL, HTML, and CSS.
This course will explore an introductory overview of the Game Industry and the development process. From coding and 3D design/ printing to hands-on building, students will utilize the creative design process to build a variety of games throughout the school year.
In this class we focus on combining movement and flexibility. We engage in Zumba, Yoga, Weights, Pilates, Games, and, of course, Dance.
Our Physical Education program offers various types of physical activities with student-driven curricula. Three times a week, the students get to actively participate in intense physical outlets of their choice. Choices of sport include but are not limited to flag football, basketball, soccer, and weight training.  Students will rotate choices throughout the year with an emphasis on individual skill development as well as team competitions.
Through collaboration, technical skills, and attention to detail, students will learn to think creatively and see the world from a different perspective. Through the art of photography and videography, as well as a comprehensive understanding of the technology available at their fingertips, students will truly learn what it means to "capture the moment."